Wednesday 18 July 2012

Power charts

Now I've still not got the bike back. I've been advised by the chaps at the garage that as the inlet manifolds are so perished its letting in the air and bogging her down, don't know if that right or wrong but if they are perished then they need replacing anyway. So I'm searching for a set of 4 good rubber inlet manifolds.
It sucks not having a bike to ride but the only saving grace is the fact that its rained every day now.

Monday 9 July 2012

Dyno finished

Ok so I went to collect the bike from Double take after they did the dyno work. The emulsion tubes were not fitted as they guys figured it would be better to ride the bike for a while and see how it is as they are confident that she is fuelled well enough not to need them replacing just yet.
So I collected the bike. and she broke down, got it going and it broke down again so I called up the garage and they came to collect it and it was sods law she started and was fine for the mechanic. I was pretty embarrassed. but then it died for the mechanic. so he put it back on the rolling road to find the fault. Its a bit of a mystery really as she runs fine then for no reason she fuels to much and the bike bogs down and can't clear the fuel. eventually the revs pick up and shes fine.
Its a bit of a pain. So the bike is still at the garage, I'm broke and have no bike still.
I'll upload the dyno charts tomorrow.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

And some more bad news

It gets worse. The bike is now set up on the dyno and the fuelling is almost sorted but there is a flat spot at 6000 rpms.
This cant be sorted until the emulsion tubes are replaced. Balls!!
Apparently the needle in the carbs sits in this tube; And after 55000Km the tubes have worn into an oval shape meaning the fuel doesn't flow very smooth.
I'm told this is mostly due to the angle the carbs sit to the engine but not sure just yet. We will have to look in to that one
I didn't even know what an emulsion tube was! £27 pound each! dam these 4 cylinder bikes.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Re mapping

So got the bike back from the garage and the mechanic tells me she is running very lean at the low revs and very rich at high revs. She need the fuelling to be completely redone.
So I've booked her a slot on the rolling road to get re fuelled. Hopefully this will mean that the "No exup" will not matter now and the whole rev range will be smooth.
I was also advise the Cam tensioner probably needs to be replaced; and possibly, in the near future the valve clearances to be done. This little bike is becoming costly.

Tuesday 19 June 2012


Well, took the bike out for a spin to test the brakes and she broke down in rush hour traffic.
Waited patiently and eventually she started.
Limped to the local bike shop for some diagnosis.
Shes not charging, could of been the generator or the rectifier........... its the rectifier so we are now waiting for a new one.
Not good, but the local bike shop was fab and really helpful "Hampshire Motorcycle" go check them out.

Friday 15 June 2012

Bleeding brakes

What a ball ache, bleeding the brakes became a mammoth task. Had to enlist the help of my Dad and that endless patients old boys seem to have. But we got there in the end. Trapped air a the top, trapped air at the bottom. Lines wouldn't clear. I was almost ready to accept defeat and run in doors sulking.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Brake master cyliner

Got hold of a new Brake master cylinder from the chaps at MotoFix in Southampton.
The simple job of popping it in place will probably be another 2 day job. Dam my ambition and curse my lack of talent.