Thursday 7 June 2012

Nil Exup

Ok, so we now know that that bikes without the Exup system (taken out) is not the end of the world. What you will lose by not having it is, low rev power. The valve will close up smaller when the revs are low and this give better back pressure. I would also imagine that the valve will also mean the build up of revs through the rage will be better but not sure, All I know for certain is the low end revs are effected.
From what I can find is that in low gears and at low speeds keep the revs high and be throttle sensitive. I need to ride the bike some more to find out if dropping from high speed to low speed quickly will cause much issues I.e hairpins bends etc.. But wouldn't you know its pissing with rain so I think high speed hairpins may be a no no today, plus i feel I'll be in this office for hours and hours yet.

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